The Adventures of Bubblegum
Animated short film / Screenplay and Creation: Edson Cubelo de Carvalho
2h 15min | Idioma _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_| Producer Director
Work Format
Thirteen 11-minute episodes in HDTV format in Cut-Out animation for children from five to twelve years old, with simple language for the whole family, bringing and rescuing back the fantasy that the cartoon provides and arousing interest of the youngest and parents and teachers because there is a great incentive to literature.
Brazil has been growing in Audio Visual production and this project brings creative and intelligent ways to bring knowledge and education to children with a language aimed at the Brazilian family. In addition to bringing fun, it also brings complements that can be used as a complement to children's educational training.
Awaken children's creativity and imagination, while providing entertainment through fun stories that address cultural and genuinely Brazilian themes.
series universe

A lonely and creative boy named Dudu buys a tattered stuffed puppy at a garage sale.
Through his imagination, the puppy comes to life and is named Gumball. They become inseparable friends and with the help of other fantasy characters, they live several adventures and strengthen this friendship even more.
Gum has a secret magic book that is able to transport them to various adventures in any time or place, so they can live and discover the secrets of the world of literature and fantasy.
Dudu has a younger sister who always wants to prove to her mother that her brother is crazy and that he talks to dolls. Although she also has enough imagination to see them alive, she refuses to accept that she is like her brother and this brings a lot of confusion with Gum and her older brother.
Dudu also has a neighbor named Jorjão, this is the only adult who can see Gum alive, but he hides it from everyone and with that Gum spends his time trying to prove to Dudu that the neighbor can see him alive too.