The Celestine Donkey
Animated short film / Screenplay and Creation: Edson Cubelo de Carvalho
2h 15min | Idioma _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_| Producer Director
The mouse tells the story of his friend Celestino, a donkey who was born in a stable and who had a problem with his legs.
On a starry night, in the city of Jerusalem, inside a small stable, a donkey was born. It was Celestino who had just come into the world.
All the animals approached to spy and see that new inhabitant of the stable. Rat was also there and was soon putting himself in front of the others so he could see better.
But something was wrong with that little donkey… he couldn't get up, his legs were weak and couldn't support his own weight. Everyone was scared and speechless. Rat soon tried to evade and distract from the problem that everyone was seeing.
After a few hours, Celestino was finally able to get up. The weeks went by and Celestino grew more and more, however, his legs were still weak. Celestino couldn't bear to carry anything on his back, no matter how light it was, it was still a huge weight for him. And that's where the problems started.
One morning, the owner of the stable who owned Celestino too, came to get him to do some work. Celestino followed the man, but not knowing what would happen. Rat kept an eye on them, ready to try to help in any way he could.
The man prepares a bale of hay and takes it to put on Celestino's back. Dread was written all over the poor donkey's face. When the man placed the burden, Celestino trembled and collapsed.